Nov 13 Update

Fixed some annoying bugs, two were solved by simply moving to GodotPhysics from Bullet. Right now things feel solid like everything's working as it should be with the exception of the stupid camera. I still need to link certain attacks, especially dashes to all the attacks so that they can be used in a combo but that's fairly simple (but a little tedious so I've been putting it off). One thing I'm considering is also just having Sera toss some knives randomly. Right now she'll only toss it in attack state when the player is far away, but just having a few explosive mines scattered on the field should help with the difficulty increase.

Rhys still needs a redo of a lot of her air attack animations, a load of particle effects/sound effects have to be made. I have disabled spear for now to focus solely on sword and gauntlet. I think where I'm at is a good place to pause adding attacks and functionality to Sera considering she's somewhat entertaining to fight now and to polish everything and find some playtesters. It'll be interesting trying to find yuri fans who are also action game fans, but I am also planning on sticking in a story difficulty that lets yuri fans who are only used to VNs cheese the entire game. Sera's going to be a boss where its optional to beat her so I'm leaving her difficulty as is no matter what (because I'm biased).

This weeks experimentation was with camera. I've been considering different ideas. 

Fixed (which seems stable but won't handle far away situations, or if it does it cuts out half the screen and makes it hard to see the enemy)

Targeting - Always on enemy but the moment you go close up or use a dash, the camera rotation moves too fast and it kind of hurts my eyes. This one actually seems the most promising so far, since its only failure happens when the player is too close to the enemy. Its possible I could add special handling relating to dashes.

Move along a curve around the arena - Mostly ensures a full view of the arena, but I need to test this out a bit more. It fails nearer to the middle where it can't seem to figure out whether it wants to be on one side of the arena or the other. Maybe it needs tweaking. I do like the idea of this one in other situations where the curve is always along a path though.

It'll probably be vital to ask playtesters.


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