Nov 11 Update

I could not update for a while, but I am back with a massive update. The map has been reworked to have less rooms so I could really focus on the few puzzles the first floor has. Most puzzles are finished except the last one. Tons of bugs fixed. User friendly stuff like ammo count has been added - this isn't a survival horror though it takes some influence from that genre.

I got the chance to have some playtesters try out the game (thank you very much to them!) and have added some of their suggestions to the game - will be adding more if I have more time before the YuriJam deadline. Bugs that were found by the playtesters were also fixed. More environment models and another entity has been added. Bunch of flavor text for random objects so it feels a bit more like the classic rpgmaker horror games which I've always liked. I'm still tweaking the writing since there's a lot of it I don't quite like. There's also some music and sound effects, but I feel like some of the tracks composed do not fit what I originally intended them for. I do have ideas for using them for other purposes.

I gave the playtesters a choice, to play a "fast paced action hack and slash"(Practice Round) or a "dual character action adventure"(ALAWT) and all but one playtester chose ALAWT, so I think the overly fast paced action game is not as popular a genre - this was before even seeing the gameplay so quality was not really a factor in their decision. The one player who played Practice Round still enjoyed it. I also realized that Sera in Practice Round was way too difficult. I had fought her so often that it just felt like she was easy in story mode but when I watched people play it was clear that she was very tough to people who weren't familiar with the control scheme. It desperately needed normal enemies and easier bosses before dropping Sera on the player.

I have hopes that I'll be able to deliver a more polished prototype this time for YuriJam, but I plan to prioritize the writing, the last puzzle and a tutorial. I have character portraits but they are uncolored and I dislike Lea's so I'll probably redraw her or leave her without one for now.


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