Oct 16 Update, Some environment stuff
Just working on some environmental things. Spent way too long on some mangrove trees. Got a few other things I've modeled but not textured yet as well. Originally this arena was going to move, but I'm not sure how to handle the camera right now, so it'll be static. Fixed an issue where Rhys' dashes were bypassing Sera's block. Now she's working the way I want her to and is a pain in the ass because I'm bad at my own game.
Also redid a few of Sera's animations because they were garbage, but that'll be in the next vid. I haven't gotten around to adding more attacks to Sera cause I really have to think about it. Ideally she needs more mid range so she isn't dashing all over the place so the player can actually use a targeting camera without getting dizzy. Some wide AOE attacks would be good too. Really need to work on a character shader as well. I'd need to do some custom normals for the face then a toon shader.
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