August 5 Update

I've been reworking a whole bunch of the animations, and this is going to be an ongoing thing. Many of the animations before either transitioned poorly or didn't transition at all to idle state. The reworked animations now transition properly. Particle effects for both characters is up next. There's also some more minor stuff that just makes things feel a little more polished. Flinches all have different stun times now (and different hitstop amounts), character does an automatic recovery after landing on the ground in flinch state. Fixed up the collision boxes so they can be customized again (after going to convex shapes). Started some work on an appropriate camera. Sera makes this tough because she has a habit of zipping around, and a lock on camera that just blindly follows her around is a terrible option. I tried a midpoint camera but her dashes still cause a problem. A fixed camera that follows the player is an option but it needs some serious tweaking. The arena itself also causes a problem with the camera so that will be a work in progress. I'd also like to add a few more mid range attacks to Sera's arsenal and one more idea as well. the nice thing is now the attack code is shared by both characters, so everything Rhys can do Sera can do. I think this'll allow me to make some interesting enemies.

I added in a homing move for the player to make things a bit easier, it desperately needs some particle effects added to it. Sera's counterattack is now tweaked to how I want it, and I think its fair to the player. I added in an experimental shader for hits, but I'm starting to get to a point where I'll have to look for serious feedback to figure out if its even any good. I'm also working on some environmental models right now because I need a break from animations and code. The character models are probably going to be prototypes for a while since the designs aren't finalized yet. There's still lighting concerns on the character models themselves so I'll need a shader for that. Environment lighting will need to be tweaked as well, since its too bright right now. I'm also looking into efficient options for god ray types of effects, particle effects might be an option for this. I think it would really help elevate the lighting.

I'm not sure I'll have a public demo out by the end of the year, but I'll at least be seriously looking into some play testers.


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