June 4 Update

 Still making slow but steady progress on the boss, things slowed halfway through due to a navigation bug but that's fixed now. Current work is on a projectile system, which is working in its most basic form. One new thing I've found is collision detection for areas do not work well if you're using anything other than a ConvexPolygonShape for some reason. The area detection will be extremely slow with any other type of collision shape, including stuff like cylinder shape. I'll have to rework my attack system to work with a convex polygon shape since its still kinda dicey right now. With any other shape it takes about a full second before it detects any bodies/areas inside it. I think this is a bug, based on some current open issues in Godot.

I'm also thinking of ideas for twists on the combat system. I'm thinking some of the current attacks might change later on depending on the twist I want to add. It's likely that the combat system won't be fully finished in time for the demo, but hopefully there's enough to test there.

I'm also thinking up some dialogue for the demo, but that's kind of a gradual day by day thing. While the story might get serious at some points, I'm pretty sick and tired of always suffering/dead lesbians, so overall it'll be on the lighthearted side, and the demo is just going to be silly/lighthearted. 

Fixed a bug with screenshake, it actually shakes now, before it was just awkwardly shifting to one side.


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