Another Update

I added a couple more animations and dashes for each weapon. Every weapon has a launch now. The base animation set of attacks is almost finished with the exception of redoing them to be better, a long term goal. There's probably going to be a few additions along the way but I want to focus on making the rest of the prototype and polishing the combat before going further. I need to add more particle effects and sound effects soon.

I also had to restructure my attack state logic because it was causing an annoying bug, and that took a chunk of time. I'm still tweaking launch and jump code as well.

Screenshake has been added for each attack (just a very subtle small one) and it has helped with the attacks being slightly crunchier. Dashes also make the player character invisible for just a touch of time, but shaders, my dreaded enemy are going to be needed to help sell the effect more. In addition, I feel like one thing that's missing is more movement options that are more smooth and fluid so I'll be thinking about that as well.

One thing that came up when I was testing was hit pause. Combining hit pause and screenshake makes things feel much better (you won't notice the hitpause without screenshake and the screenshake won't feel as strong without hitpause). In some tutorials for Godot they recommend using OS.delay in some tutorials I've seen. On a higher end computer this is fine, but, I tried running this on a lower end laptop and it would just freeze and the framerate would drop for several seconds, causing a lot of lag. I looked through some more references and it seems a lot of games only pause the parties involved, so you'd actually pause the player and enemies instead of using OS.delay.

I'm taking a break from the combat system for now, so I decided to go with designing and sketching out more characters - also to keep my 2d drawing skills sharp. I designed another character and she'll probably show up in a later update. This updates a bit slim cause I took it a little bit easier for the holidays.

I am hoping to get a demo out for YuriJam 2022 for some feedback, might be a little too ambitious though.


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