Small Updates
I can only work on this part-time so these updates are going to be slow (unfortunately). I've just been working on tweaking the combat system, dialogue system so it allows more than a set number of choices, and also scales properly with screen resolution and a little bit of character design.
I added some air punch attacks, and they're very rough and its pretty
hard to juggle the enemy right now, but its just the first iteration.
One thing that I've found is very important is considering the hitbox
size. If the hitbox sizes are too small, the attacks sometimes don't
register because the enemy wasn't "in" the Area node long enough to be detected. I find it better to have the hitbox cover the full range of
the attack and then just trigger the damage dealing code at a certain animation frame. (The dashes have a super long hitbox)
Also related to animation frames, I don't ever modify the animationplayer that comes from Blender import. If you reimport that player you lose all your changes. Instead, I read the playback position from that player and trigger code based on that. The particle effects are from another animation player that is separate from the character animations. They're mainly UV movements more than any mesh based ones.
I'm starting to move towards designing the characters since they're the most important part of this game and because I need a break from fiddling with the combat system.
I made a prototype health bar but I can't say I'm happy about it. It'll serve as an ok place holder for now and got me to actually use the progress bar node instead of the awkward homemade solution i had before.
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