
Showing posts from January, 2022

Late Jan Update

 I added a simple vertex shader to the dashes that "smears" the mesh. It took me an embarassingly long time because I'm pretty bad at shaders. Right now the dash is a solid color but it'll be easy to add a texture to it later on. I used this ue4 tutorial as a guide for getting the general idea: but I didn't follow it too closely since I wanted to puzzle it out. Pressing launch in air now allows for the opposite of a launch, a fast fall attack of some sort. Right now only gauntlets' is implemented and it does a down punch and a straight down crash into the ground that has a decent attack radius. I'm in the process of updating a bunch of older animations and adding new ones, since sword's are all really old + chain is way too short. I'm also starting on sound soon, so hopefully that'll add a new level. Added support for different flinch animations so now the enemy can have different "damaged"

Another Update

I added a couple more animations and dashes for each weapon. Every weapon has a launch now. The base animation set of attacks is almost finished with the exception of redoing them to be better, a long term goal. There's probably going to be a few additions along the way but I want to focus on making the rest of the prototype and polishing the combat before going further. I need to add more particle effects and sound effects soon. I also had to restructure my attack state logic because it was causing an annoying bug, and that took a chunk of time. I'm still tweaking launch and jump code as well. Screenshake has been added for each attack (just a very subtle small one) and it has helped with the attacks being slightly crunchier. Dashes also make the player character invisible for just a touch of time, but shaders, my dreaded enemy are going to be needed to help sell the effect more. In addition, I feel like one thing that's missing is more movement options that are more smoot