
Showing posts from January, 2023

Jan 1st Update

I've added in custom key binding in the pause screen. It is via a very rudimentary place holder that doesn't look too good, but it works, and it'll be useful for the demo. There's no checking to see if two actions share the same key yet, so the user is going to have to be careful. The gui will be easy to replace later with actual assets and I wrote it so adding a new button is a simple one line function call. I'm still thinking about what to add to the gauntlet weapon that'll make it more unique and also helpful. Eventually the crappy hp bar will be replaced too. Also threw together a toon shader, mainly focusing on faces first. It's extremely simple, relying on a gradient texture and the usual normal dot light calculation, the lighting color is factored into the calculation, but multiple lights do not stack in intensity since this would result in a lot of weird looking transitions. The plan is to use a custom gradient texture, based on each materials/enviro