
Showing posts from September, 2021

Second Post - Character Design and Updates

Just some random updates, regarding character design and whatever I could stuff in this week. The dialogue system is close to what i need it to be. Choices won't affect the story, so most choices are going to be related to interactions with objects. I used the same thing I did for attack boxes for interaction, just have a small area in front detecting the closest mesh, and hitting interact triggers the script associated with the mesh within that area that's the closest to the player.  I'm aiming for something similar to visual novels. the portrait is a prototype that I did for practice so its terribly cropped. the designs nowhere near final. I'm still trying to figure out how I want the environment to look. The tone is going to be more on the light side, so I want the environment to reflect that too. Very prototype/rough character model in Blender, so she's mostly untextured. I wanted a laidback, kind of messy character, so untucked shirt, loose belt, messy hair. It

First Post

  I just posted my first video about a 3d hack and slash made in Godot Engine + C#. I chose C# because I wanted the practice, even as its given me a good number of problems, mostly involving documentation.  Right now most of the technical work has been dumped into the combat system, an extensible system that allows me to add/remove attacks and different weapons with ease. It lets me specify the next chaining move (and this can change based on if the player has swapped weapons), different particle effects, animations and more. Some other small behind the scenes technical work is as follows: Action queueing/Input buffering: This allows the player to "queue" actions so that they're executed immediately when they're valid. For example, the player can hit jump before they land and it'll cause them to jump again or they can mash the attack button during a combo and the next attack comes out right after the minimum time allowed for the previous. This makes the combat sys