
Showing posts from March, 2023

March 25 Update

The reasons for the infrequent updates is cause there's only so much to talk about upgrading and that was all I was doing, no new and shiny stuff. It took me quite a while because the combat system is still pretty complex. Things are looking good though, I've got most combat system stuff working and in Godot 4. I fixed a few issues coming from 3->4 with bugs that never really showed up in 3.  Added a new simple camera that just passively follows the player around so that if there's no target its always moving to go behind the character. Also just generalized some things with the targeting camera since it was hardcoded before and stabilized it a little. Lots of small cleanup things. Due to the changes in Godot 4, I made it so the player character will slip on slopes when landing on enemies because having the player land on the enemy and stay there was a funny occurrence that was happening more than it should have been. The opposite can also happen but its far rarer. One t