
Showing posts from December, 2022

December 18 Update

I'm a bit frustrated with the implementation of one feature at the moment, so I'm moving to graphics for a while. I've been experimenting with creating skyboxes this week, many premade ones have a ground texture that don't fit with the style of my game, otherwise I would've planned to buy them already. I think that'll be the last hurdle for the demo, then it should be mostly just me doing stuff I should already know. So the updates may be a bit slow because of the experimenting and learning phase.

Dec 3rd Update

 Camera testing this week. I think I found a targeting camera that works or at least it doesn't make me dizzy. I get dizzy from some first person games so I guess that's a good test. Still going to need to get more feedback though.  The new animations mentioned in the last post have not been imported yet, so everything's still old n janky. This camera had a few things that I had to keep in mind. 1. It had to keep the enemy and player in view at all times.  2. if the player dashes or the enemy dashes, the camera should not immediately swap to another view just to make sure the camera is "behind the player" again. This was the most frequent issue with the old targeting system. 3. when the player circles the enemy, the camera rotation shouldn't be too fast but that's only when the player is close (since the interpolation is much faster for something close) I basically took the basic targeting camera (which is always behind the player's position and lookin